Year 4- Sycamore Class
Class Teacher and Teaching Assistant
Mrs Bugler - Smith and Mrs Oppon.
This Half Term we are learning
This term our topic is Ancient Civilisations. This project teaches children about the history of three of the world’s first ancient civilisations: ancient Sumer, ancient Egypt and the Indus Valley civilisation. Children will learn about the rise, life, achievements and eventual end of each civilisation.
In science we are learning about Electricity. Pupils learn that some materials allow electricity through them and others do not. They learn about the history of electricity and they make and test electrical circuits with a variety of components. They use their knowledge of electricity to design and build a model of a burglar alarm for a house.
In computing we are learning to program using FMS Logo, a text-based programming language. Pupils will look at repetition and loops within programming. They will create planning, modifying and testing commands to create shapes and patterns.
In PHSE we are learning about Rights and Respect.
What you need to know
PE days- Thursdays and Fridays
We encourage children to read at least 5 times a week and record their progress in their reading diaries. These are checked every Thursday.
Homework is set on Mondays on TT rocktars or My Maths.
This year we are going to Carding Mill Valley, which links with our Summer Topic Misty Mountain, Winding River. We are also going to Arthog, a 5 day residential trip.