Lawley Village Academy

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Contact Us

Find us here – SATNAV users please use TF4 2PP to help you find us. The car park is situated at the end of the school building. Please walk along the pavement to find the main entrance, underneath the orange canopy.

 Lawley Village Academy
Bryce Way
Lawley Village

01952 951200

[email protected]

If you have a query relating to our school please call the office where Miss Courtnie Williams will be happy to answer your questions. A paper based copy of documents available on the website is available on request.

Headteacher: Miss Claire Freestone

Deputy Headteacher - Mrs Zoe Sharp 

Chair of Governors: Mr Jack Pierce

SENCO - Mrs Charlotte Hendrie


Academy Sponsor: REAch2 Academy Trust - REAch2

Registered Office: Henhurst Ridge Primary Academy, Henhurst Ridge, Branston, Burton-Upon-Trent, DE13 9SZ

The company registration number is 08452281 and vat registered number is 220 8862 15.